As a freelance journalist I loved this bag immediately for its name alone. Despite holding my job title for nearly a decade I still love products that shout it from the rooftops for me.
The reporter bag seemed to do just that.
After falling for the name, I fell for the space. Why can’t women’s handbags be like this? Mine is a wormhole, a TARDIS that no matter how small seems to lose my most important accessories somewhere in the deep abyss.
The reporter bag however has lots of compartments for ease of organisation, while holding the most precious one, the laptop.
That’s not all though. Any journalist, or indeed person who works from a laptop occasionally knows how much of a hindrance they are to carry around. I’ve found myself with aching feet and a weary head constantly adjusting the shoulder strap on many laptop bags as I’ve trawled round event centres taking interviews. This doesn’t happen with the be.ez le reporter bag as it sits very snugly and won’t slip, while the cushioned protection means I don’t have sharp indents in my outer thighs at the end of a long day.
As you can tell, I loved it, and will be buying the entire range to give to my assistants for Christmas. You can read all about it…right here.